First, let’s explain what a roofing underlayment is: a roofing underlayment is a material that is installed under your roofing materials as an added protection against the elements; i.e. rain, wind and snow.
Felt underlayment is popular due to it’s low cost. However, it is prone to tear and rip both during installation and weather events, leaving your roof exposed. Moisture can cause the felt to wrinkle and then shingles do not lay flat. Also, it is cumbersome to handle due to it’s increased weight and slippery nature. Finally, some roofing warranties do not cover roofs unless they have synthetic underlayment.
Synthetic roofing underlayment [the green fabric on roof photo above] adds more protection to your roofing system than felt. It is water resistant when installed correctly and the polymers used to create it are tougher, last longer and easier to install due to the lightweight nature and nonslip surface. Plus, if you do have lose shingles, synthetic roofing underlayment can protect your home from water damage while waiting for repairs. The drawback is a higher cost compared to felt but the added benefits and durability make it a worthwhile investment.
To summarize, Synthetic roofing underlayment is much more tear-resistant when exposed to high winds and foot traffic than black paper roofing felt . This type of underlayment is moisture-resistant, and when it’s installed correctly, it offers better protection from the weather compared to felt.
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Learn more about roof underlayments from the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.
Learning More about Roof Shingles
For a free onsite estimate of your residential or commercial roofing system, call Jason Mazzanti 615-784-4628